Monday, May 14, 2018

"A" IS FOR ART by Yvonne L. Rousseau

“A” IS FOR ART by Yvonne L. Rousseau

Yvonne L Rousseau is the Artist of The Month for May at Art Central Gallery.  Her exhibit, “A” IS FOR ART, will be displayed through May 31, 2018 Monday-Friday, 10-5 and Saturday, 9-4.

Rousseau says,  “In this exhibit you will see subjects that I find interesting which begin with the letter “A’.”

ABSTRACT:  These works are inspired from musical lines, rhythms, textures, shapes and colors.  They are my visual interpretation of sounds transformed with paint onto canvas.
ARTIST:  One painting depicts an unsuspecting fellow artist caught in the act of contemplation. Another is a still life of artist tools.
ARCHITECTURE:  Timeless architectural designs are seen in several of the paintings.
AUTOMOTIVE:  These classic vehicles have playful light reflections on metal and sparkling chrome.
ANIMAL:  These are interesting personalities and mysterious glances captured from furry and feathered creatures.
APPLE:  And of course, A IS FOR APPLE, a simple shape whose color and form, when explored, become much more than ordinary or mundane.”

Meet Yvonne during a reception for the artist on Third Thursday, May 17, 2018, 5-8 pm at Art Central, 130 Central Avenue in Historic Summerville.  For more information or to see more of Yvonne’s work, visit