Monday, November 5, 2018

"Magic Hour" by Alexandra Kassing

Through the end of November 2018 Art Central Gallery will feature the show “Magic Hour” by artist Alexandra Kassing. The artist explores a fascination for sunsets and night skies. “I love this special time of transition when it seems like the land loses its color and light, but by contrast the sky comes alive with vibrant color,” said Kassing, “I call this the Magic Hour”.

“I consider myself a colorist, or modern impressionist - with light and color being the dominant feature of my work. In this series, I pushed this even further by painting the land almost colorless using a very dark palette which contrasts with the intense light and vibrant color of the sunlit sky,” said Kassing.

The largest painting in the show, “Worth the Wait” depicts two boaters on a dark marsh who are poised in silhouette watching the sun descend. “In this work, I wanted to recreate that place of quiet and solitude where one can rest and watch the spectacular show taking place in the sky. I wanted the viewer to almost feel the cool descend over the marsh, as the sky was all ablaze with warm” says Kassing.

Another painting, “Sunset in the Holy City” was inspired by a view the artist had from a Charleston rooftop. Kassing says.  “I was fascinated watching the edge of night descend over the city, and how the intense light made the church steeples almost seem to dance. By contrast, the rest of the city below was indistinct but still attracted me with its dark, mysterious places.”

Meet the artist at the Third Thursday reception, November 15, 2018 from 5-8pm at Art Central Gallery, 130 Central Avenue, Summerville.  For more information visit the gallery website:

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Bright Blue Weather by June Sullivan

“O suns and skies and clouds of June and flowers of June together, ye cannot rival for one hour October’s bright blue weather.” - Helen Hunt Jackson

Photographer June Sullivan was inspired by the beauty of autumn and poetry in her latest photography show “Bright Blue Weather” featured at Art Central Gallery through October. June says, “When I was in the fifth grade, I was required to memorize and recite 'October’s Bright Blue Weather' by American poet and novelist Helen Hunt Jackson. Through the years, this poem continued to resonate with me and is one of my earliest memories of my love of the fall season. Color and light are important factors for a photographer and the fall season is an excellent time to capitalize on those two elements. From the beautiful leaves and berries of the pyracantha in my photo, ‘Autumn Comes Calling’ to a picturesque courtyard in ‘Autumn in Charleston’; my photographs feature the colorful palette of low-country South Carolina this time of year”.

Visit Art Central Gallery  located at 130 Central Avenue, Summerville, SC through October 2018 and find your own autumn inspiration! Meet the artist at a gallery reception on Third Thursday, October 18, 2018 from 5-8pm.

Friday, August 31, 2018

PUZZLE ART by Faith Cuda

"Prismatic Puzzle"

During the month of September, Art Central Gallery presents a solo exhibit, “Puzzle Art,” by Faith Cuda.  This captivating body of work is on view during regular business hours, Monday-Saturday 10 am-5 pm, at the gallery at 130 Central Avenue, Summerville, South Carolina.
Speaking of her newest paintings, Faith says, “Creating art can be both fascinating and challenging at the same time.  With these paintings, I held the image in my mind and heart along with the medium (oil or acrylic paint) and my unique style of applying the paint.  All of it came together to bring the images to life.  The size of a piece of art, whether large or miniature, is also part of the equation.  The work can be a single canvas or a number of pieces put together like a puzzle to create the final image.”
In “Puzzle Art,” Faith uses the time-honored method of continuing the image across two or more canvases.  A diptych, such as “Sunburst,” is a two-paneled piece joined into one painting, with or without a hinge.  The showcase piece of this exhibit, “Prismatic Puzzle,” is a triptych, meaning the painting consists of three panels.  The panels do not have to be the same size.  One panel can be larger and the other two smaller or any creative combination the artist wishes to arrange the three pieces.
“Poppies Galore” is a polyptych, or a piece of art having more than three panels.  Faith explains, “A polyptych can include many panels depending on the size and structure of the total image being painted.  In this case I painted four canvases that were the same size.  The resulting work is unusually large and hopefully powerful.”
Faith Cuda will be honored at a reception on Third Thursday, September 20, 2018 5 pm-8 pm.  Her exhibit, “Puzzle Art,” will be presented until the end of the month.  For more information visit


"Poppies Galore"

Sunday, August 5, 2018

"Water Water Everywhere" by Laura Cody

Artist Laura Cody will be exhibiting her latest pastel paintings at Art Central Gallery, at 130 (Short) Central Avenue, Summerville, SC during the month of August.  The exhibit, Water Water Everywhere!, includes pastel paintings of waves, beaches and the people who enjoy them.

Laura Cody loves to paint waves!  She says, “There is something so majestic about the ocean and I especially love trying to capture the light as it comes thru the cresting waves.  I find wave paintings to be very calming and peaceful to look at.”  This fascination with the water and the beach are evident in Laura’s newest paintings.  “Surf Side” is 12 inches high and 36 inches wide, a shape that is particularly suited to the wide waves.

“Being at the beach brings up so many wonderful memories of my childhood, my children on our summer vacations and my grandchildren visiting us during the summer.  In “Beach Fun” I was drawn by the sun light on the child and her reflection in the shallow water.”

Laura’s exhibit will be at Art Central through the end of August, with a reception for the artist on Third Thursday, August 16, 2018 5-8 pm.  More info about Laura’s work and the gallery is at

Thursday, July 19, 2018

This Land I Love

Detta Cutting Zimmerman

"This Land I Love" group show by Art Central artists will be featured through July 2018 - reception on Third Thursday, July 19th 5-8pm

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Paper Chase by Delaine Walters

Art Central Gallery presents “The Paper Chase”, works on paper by artist Delaine Walters. The show and sale will be available at the gallery through June 30, 2018.

Some of these works are batiks on rice paper.  This paper is a thin tissue with fibers embedded and is deceptively strong.  It can stand up to the wax, paint and heat of the batik process.

Delaine values this paper for its airy softness and texture.  She says, “When I think of batik paintings, I feel softness and I see texture.”  The artist’s response involves all of the senses.

The batik process is exciting for Delaine because of the element of surprise.  Delaine explains:  “I draw the pattern on the smooth side of the rice paper with a waterproof pen. Then I wax out the areas that will remain white.  When the wax cools I add watercolor.  After 6-8 more layers of wax and watercolor, the pattern gets lost and I continue on instinct.  At the end, the entire piece of rice paper is covered with wax.  As I iron out the wax, the magic happens!  My planning and careful attention almost always end with a surprise.”

Other pieces in this exhibit are watercolors on handmade paper.  “The Paper Chase” is on display at the gallery, 130 Central Avenue, 10 am-5 pm Monday-Friday, 9 am-4 pm Saturday.  Meet the artist at a reception on Third Thursday, June 21, 2018, 5-8 pm. For more information visit

Monday, May 14, 2018

"A" IS FOR ART by Yvonne L. Rousseau

“A” IS FOR ART by Yvonne L. Rousseau

Yvonne L Rousseau is the Artist of The Month for May at Art Central Gallery.  Her exhibit, “A” IS FOR ART, will be displayed through May 31, 2018 Monday-Friday, 10-5 and Saturday, 9-4.

Rousseau says,  “In this exhibit you will see subjects that I find interesting which begin with the letter “A’.”

ABSTRACT:  These works are inspired from musical lines, rhythms, textures, shapes and colors.  They are my visual interpretation of sounds transformed with paint onto canvas.
ARTIST:  One painting depicts an unsuspecting fellow artist caught in the act of contemplation. Another is a still life of artist tools.
ARCHITECTURE:  Timeless architectural designs are seen in several of the paintings.
AUTOMOTIVE:  These classic vehicles have playful light reflections on metal and sparkling chrome.
ANIMAL:  These are interesting personalities and mysterious glances captured from furry and feathered creatures.
APPLE:  And of course, A IS FOR APPLE, a simple shape whose color and form, when explored, become much more than ordinary or mundane.”

Meet Yvonne during a reception for the artist on Third Thursday, May 17, 2018, 5-8 pm at Art Central, 130 Central Avenue in Historic Summerville.  For more information or to see more of Yvonne’s work, visit

Monday, April 2, 2018

Lowcountry Potpourri—New Paintings from Mary Ann Bridgman

"Old Crabbing Dock" by Mary Ann Bridgman

Mary Ann Bridgman is the featured artist at Art Central Gallery during the month of April. Her exhibit, “Lowcountry Potpourri,” is a collection of watercolor paintings depicting various Lowcountry scenes.
The artist says the South Carolina Lowcountry offers continual inspiration for her paintings. She loves the rich and diverse landscapes and the way light and shadow change them in different seasons and at different times of day.
Bridgman strives to convey the essence of this unique place with her artistic interpretations. In “Botany Bay Pathway,” we can see special light effects coming through lush vegetation. 
“Joe’s Hideaway” looks like the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the beauty of our surroundings.
Meet Mary Ann Bridgman at Art Central Gallery, 130 Central Ave. on Third Thursday, April 19, 2018 5-8pm. “Lowcountry Potpourri” will be displayed until April 30, 2018.  See more of Bridgman’s work at

Monday, March 5, 2018


Art Central Gallery features the March 2018 show and sale "Ordinary to Extraordinary" by artist Debbie Grogen. Join us on Third Thursday, March 15, 2018 5-8pm for a gallery reception and meet the artist!
"We have all done it.  We go to a new place or on a new adventure and we must capture our experience with our photographs.  But what happens after that?  Do you look at your photo and say I remember this brighter, softer, more vivid?  The camera has never been able to capture what the human eye can see.  It cannot capture the all the shades and tones of color your eye sees.  Nor can the camera capture the feeling of standing on a beach with the breeze caressing your face with a delightful coolness on a humid day: or the sheer magical lavender colors in the sky after the sun has set.  But your art can capture that feeling.

 The reason is simple.  When you create a painting, it is from your soul.  Do you remember that moment when you were inspired to take that photo and why?  What attracted you to this image?  The light against the dark contrast, the colors, shapes, textures or the historical importance that a place evokes. These are questions that your art can try to answer for the viewer.  It involves taking the ordinary to the extraordinary.

My theme of this show endeavors to show how art can transform an image and make it special to the viewer.  Each piece of art work was inspired by a memory, feeling, or sense of inspiration.  Both the photo and the art that was inspired by it will be displayed to demonstrate this transformation.

It is my fervent wish that after viewing this exhibit you will be enchanted from the ordinary to the extraordinary both in visual delight and emotion." - artist Debbie Grogen