Monday, February 14, 2011

Thank you to Helen Beacham, Christine Crosby, Yvonne Rousseau, and Sarah Kuhnell for contributing prints to be auctioned at Summerville Rotary Club's Gift of Life campaign during the month of February. Your gifts will help provide life-saving surgeries to children of third world countries who would otherwise have no other options. Summerville Rotary Club ( conducts a Gift of Life ( auction each February during its weekly meetings. At incipiency MUSC and it's staff was the only participating hospital conducting heart surgeries. Now there are three additional hospitals throughout the state and the scope of the surgeries has been broadened to include other areas, such as burns. Rotary's contribution to the project has been to provide for a relative to travel with each child. Often parents stay in the homes of local Rotarians during the children's hospitalizations. Art Central has been a contributor to this project for several years by donating photography, prints, and originals for auction.

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