Tuesday, October 13, 2015

17th Anniversary October 17, 2015 5-8pm, BIRDS statue unveiling 5:30pm

Join us for a 17th Anniversary Celebration on October 17, 2015 5-8pm
BIRDS statue unveiling at 5:30pm
Click here to find out more in our newsletter

Friday, October 2, 2015

ALWAYS MAGESTIC - new work by Yvonne L. Rousseau

featured at Art Central Gallery October 2015

   Artist Yvonne L. Rousseau says she “has had the most fun”, with her newest series of paintings entitled, "ALWAYS MAJESTIC," on display at Art Central during the month of October.  They are inspired by the prideful peacock, who flaunts, boasts, struts and squawks with a majestic, confident attitude.  Yvonne recalls that she knew a new series was in the making when “on a plein aire (on site) painting day, one special fellow caught my eye.  He took a short flight to a fence rail, looked in my direction as if to say ‘are you ready to start my portrait,’ and he held his pose comfortably until I was finished working and had packed my easel.”  Yvonne's post painting relationship continued with this beautiful bird as he stayed around for her to shoot a great collection of photographs. .
   The artist continues, ”Once my studio painting was started, I decided to develop backgrounds that were interesting but not competitive with my subject. The background of each painting is about subtle textures, colors and rhythms created with crumpled papers, palette knives, and brushstrokes. The backgrounds were as enjoyable to paint as the peacocks.”
   Each of the paintings describes a beautiful bird that is ALWAYS MAJESTIC but with a slightly different twist.  See Rousseau’s work and meet the artist on the Third Thursday, October 15, 2015 from 5-8pm .  Check www.artcgalleryltd.com to see the schedule for demonstrations of yet another PEACOCK painting.