Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Portrait of the Lowcountry"

pastel paintings by Laura Cody

“Portrait of the Lowcountry”, an exhibit of pastel paintings by Laura Cody is featured for the month of February 2015 at Art Central Gallery.  These paintings depict people who could be your neighbors.

In fact, one portrait, “Kelsey”, shown b
elow, is of a visitor to Art Central.  Cody was on duty that day and was completely taken with her blue hair scarf.  The young lady graciously agreed to a few photos, which Cody used to create the painting.

Cody finds much of her inspiration this way—by just keeping her eyes
open to the everyday beauty around her.  Although she has been in South Carolina since 2001, the landscape, people and culture of the Lowcountry still seem new to her, and she finds them inspiring.

Cody’s move to the area coincided with retirement as well as a return
to her early love, art.  She says her creativity “started pouring out of me at once!”  The artist’s zest for life and for painting elevates these portrayals of regular people engaged in ordinary activities to new heights.

“Portrait of the Lowcountry” will hang at Art Central Gallery
through the month of February.  Meet the artist at the Third Thursday reception, February 19, 2015 5-8pm. See more of Laura's work at: http://www.artcgalleryltd.com/LauraCody.html