Monday, October 31, 2016

Rhythm Exploration Continued by Yvonne L. Rousseau

ENTHUSIASM ,  20" x 16" acrylic on canvas 

Expanding this series of work without a realistic subject was an enjoyable adventure. In these paintings you see a relationship between line and shape, a sense of near and far, a balance between positive and negative space, a range of color values.  These elements are always important, with or without a discernible subject. I feel it becomes even more necessary to be mindful of these design elements when working without a formal subject.

    So Yvonne Rousseau explains her new abstract art exhibit, which will hang during the month of November at Art Central Gallery in Summerville. 

    This series has an added component.  The artist began several of these paintings by inviting ordinary people to make a stroke or two on a blank canvas. It then became her challenge to incorporate those strokes into a finished work of art.

    Visit Art Central Ltd Gallery during November to see this featured artist’s series.  Leave a brief comment about your favorite painting in Yvonne’s THOUGHTS BOX and win a mini painting if yours is chosen at the close of the exhibit.  The winning comment will be posted on the Art Central Facebook page.

   Meet the artist at the Third Thursday reception, November 17, 2016 5-8 pm.  See more of Yvonne’s work at

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Greens to Golds by Sarah Kuhnell

The theme of Sarah Allums Kuhnell’s October 2016 exhibit at Art Central Gallery reflects a transition from summer to fall and harvests, the shift from cool relaxation to holiday celebrations, and the flow of her inspirations.

Curating the paintings for this show reminds the artist of the gifts life has granted this year, the sights that echo in her heart and challenge her to capture them in her art.

Early in the year, a chilly walk at Magnolia Gardens inspires a tribute to honey bees busy among our winter camellia beauties.  The result is “Gathering Gold.”

In "Bartletts Reflected", a watercolor of golds and greens, the smooth skins remind Sarah of painting faces with varied blushes.  The artist wonders, “Doesn't everyone line up their produce for a photo shoot? Especially when pear lovers lurk nearby?”

Lucky timing with camera ready, Sarah snaps the crane’s hop on the waterfall.  In “Short Flight” the graceful curve of this majestic bird’s unfurled wings are echoed in the shapes of light, shadow and splashing water.

Other paintings show the glee of children playing in a fountain, the informality of friends sharing brunch, the frilly dramatic blossoms of the stargazer lily and other moments celebrating the beauty around us.  Together Sarah’s art works reflect a year of precious gifts.

“Greens to Golds” will hang at Art Central Gallery through the end of October.  Meet the artist and her colleagues at Third Thursday, October 20, 2016 5-8 p.m.  as they celebrate the 18th Anniversary of the gallery.  More information about Sarah’s work is online at