Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"Let's Go to the Beach" photography show by June Sullivan

"LET’S GO TO THE BEACH!"   -  A Collection from Photographer June Sullivan

"I have always felt that people who live an extended period of time in close proximity to a beach are never quite happy if they have to move to a more landlocked place, no matter how interesting or beautiful the area," says photographer June Sullivan

Such is the hold the beach has on local photographer June Sullivan.  And her exhibit at Art Central Gallery during May celebrates that love of place, that “something that seeps into the heart and mind and beckons to the soul.” 

Sullivan has included some of her favorite images of the beach in this exhibit.  She says, “deciding which photographs to display has been difficult because the beach offers so much.  I hope to take those who see the exhibit on a journey of at least one favorite memory.  Everyone in lowcountry South Carolina has a favorite beach, pier, boardwalk, or shell collection that I believe will connect them to my photographs and hopefully bring a smile as we all anticipate the arrival of summer.”

Stop by Art Central Gallery, Summerville, SC during the month of May to see which photograph brings to mind a beach memory, and meet the artist at a reception on Third Thursday, May 19, 2016 5-8pm.